
ClassicPress easy development setup with Laradock.

Project: Personal | Open Source


Bundled together 3 tools I usually use before to quickly create a working dev setup.

I like ClassicPress because it is faster and I like the classic editor.

My most recent use for ClassicPress or WordPress installs was for headless CMS.

For now I've archived this project but I can still see using it sometime.

Only need to update the composer for latest dependencies but not a priority.

I guess I'll add the docs below.


Cpdock is an easy setup of ClassicPress with Docker using Laradock for setting up nginx and mysql/mariadb containers.

Based on the composer install with Bedrock.

The goal is to have a development environment by running a few commands.


  • Git

  • Docker [ >= 17.12 ]


  1. Clone cpdock on your desired work directory:

    git clone https://github.com/sudoist/cpdock.git your-classicpress-site
  2. cd into the project directory:

    cd your-classicpress-site
  3. Copy the .env-example to .env

    cp .env-example .env
  4. Generate and copy .env variables with Bedrock's WordPress salts generator then....

  5. Update the last section variables in the .env with the values from generator using your favorite text editor or IDE.

    # For example in my system with terminal.
    featherpad .env
  6. cd into the Laradock directory:

    cd laradock
  7. Copy the .env-example to .env

    cp env-example .env
  8. Run your server with nginx and mysql:

    docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
  9. Login to Laradock workspace

    docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash
  10. Install dependencies with composer

    composer install
  11. Access localhost to start installation.

Ecommerce plugins

Classic Commerce

The Classic Commerce project was initiated in the early stages of the ClassicPress development process, when it became clear that a reliable e-commerce solution would be a necessity.

ClassicPress was promoting itself as the "business-focused CMS" and a dependable, secure and independent e-commerce plugin is obviously one of the basic requirements for the business community.

If you would like to install Classic Commerce run these composer command instead of the one in step 10:

env COMPOSER=composer-cc.json composer install

Thanks to Classic Commerce community for helping with configuration to install with composer.

Inspired from Laradock and Bedrock

Built with

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Docker